Orange Healthy Fizzy Drink
In room 6 we are learning about science. My experiment was about making a healthy, orange, flavoured, fizzy drink. I used: less than half a teaspoon of baking soda, sugar (optional). I squeezed the orange [...]
In room 6 we are learning about science. My experiment was about making a healthy, orange, flavoured, fizzy drink. I used: less than half a teaspoon of baking soda, sugar (optional). I squeezed the orange [...]
Density Experiment In room 6 we are learning all about science. We each had to present an experiment and mine was about density. I poured syrup, oil and water into a cup and we all [...]
Elephant toothpaste In room 6 we have been learning about science experiments and observing what happens. I did Elephant toothpaste. First I added some dish washing liquid and food colouring into a bottle and shook [...]
In Science this term Room 9 have observed, described and compared physical and chemical properties of common materials and changes that occur when materials are mixed. We made a ‘volcano’ using baking soda and vinegar, [...]
In Mahoe this term we have been enthusiastic learners in the area of Science. We have enjoyed conducting experiments and understanding chemical reactions. We have also enjoyed discovering facts about famous scientists.
This term, we've had a blast learning so much science! We've researched famous scientists, carried out heaps of scientific investigations and loved being so hands on! From making lava lamps to hokey pokey and [...]