The St John’s School monogram is in the shape of a shield divided into three coloured segments on which are traced the signs.
Left segment: pale blue depicting sea and sky with the rock symbolising the church, surmounted by the cross – faith, the relationship of course being the Catholic School overlooking Mairangi Bay and the sea to Rangitoto Island.
Centre segment: the sacrificial colour – red, and symbolises John’s revelation: “Behold the lamb of God, the lamb that was slain”. The raised foot – the opening of the Book of Revelations.
Right segment: represents the night sky with the four stars of the Southern Cross – our flag.
MOTTO: PREPARE THE WAY – Whakapaia te Huarahi
Following in the footsteps of St John the Baptist, patron of our School, this motto was adopted as being appropriate because it describes the nature of teaching and its effect on the lives of the children in our care.