Welcome To Ti Kouka

In Science this term we have been learning what it is like to be a Scientist. As Scientists we observed, described and compared the physical and chemical the changes that occurred when materials were mixed, [...]

By | 2018-06-25T14:34:15+00:00 25th June 2018|Classes|0 Comments

Dare to Dream

In Mahoe this term we have been enthusiastic learners in the area of Science. We have enjoyed conducting experiments and understanding chemical reactions. We have also enjoyed discovering facts about famous scientists.  

By | 2018-06-25T07:54:49+00:00 25th June 2018|Room 12, Science|1 Comment

Disco time!

Earlier this term, we danced the night away at our school disco! The costumes were amazing- our theme was 'celebrities' this year. We even had a special guest visit from 'The Queen' herself!

By | 2018-06-18T15:03:14+00:00 18th June 2018|Room 04|0 Comments
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