PTFA 2024-07-02T11:51:15+00:00


The Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) is a wonderful way to become involved in the school community.

Our whakatauki is: Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi – with your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive. That is, that we all have something to offer and by working together we can ensure that our tamariki have the opportunities available to them so that they can be the best they can be.

The PTFA is a valuable part of our school community. All parents and guardians of St. John’s School students and school staff are automatically members.

We also welcome anyone who has a connection with the school – past or present – to join us. For newcomers to the school it is a fantastic way to meet your fellow parents and to find out more about what is happening with the school community.

We are a team of committed and dedicated parents and teachers who give freely of our time to help support the school. Meetings are held monthly, usually on the first Tuesday of the month in the school hall at 7 pm (see exact dates below).   Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.

The PTFA is currently chaired by Amanda Dixon-McIver; the Secretary is Michelle Burdett and the Treasurer is Ziad Burjony.

There is no compulsion to attend every meeting. Some people come to the occasional meetings or help out at one activity a year; others choose to attend every meeting and become involved in many events. We are grateful of your support and time in whatever form that may be.

Fundraising is a major undertaking and the PTFA makes a notable contribution to the on-going development of school facilities and resources. The St. John’s School PTFA has always been particularly active and generates a fund of approximately $40,000 per year for school resources.

A few other things that we do are:

  • Organising fun activities and building relationships among parents, teachers, children and the community
  • Assisting the school with activities where parent involvement is needed
  • Supporting the Board of Trustees in achieving their goals for school development and other activities

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:

Contact Emails:
Chair and Secretary: [email protected]
Treasurer: [email protected]

UPCOMING MEETING DATES – 7 pm in the Staffroom

Tuesday 2 July 2024
Tuesday 6 August 2024
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Tuesday 15 October 2024
Tuesday 5 November 2024
December meeting to be advised